3 things to know before you shoot in a natural light studio for the first time
If you’ve never shot in a natural light studio before and you’re feeling a bit nervous, apprehensive or down right scared… It’s ok! You’re trying something new, so it’s totally fine if you’re a bit nervous.
You might be thinking, “What if I totally screw up? What if my photos look different? I don’t even know where to start!”
We’re glad you are thinking about those things because it shows you really care about the quality of what you’re doing and that you really want to try! So, good for you!
We’re also glad because we’re here to help! We wanted to share with you some things to know before shooting in a natural light studio for the first time to ease your fears and boost your confidence even before you walk in the door.
Here we go!
You can do this!
You really can! You have been shooting for a while now and if you can shoot outdoors, you can shoot indoors as well. No need to worry about artificial lighting… you know how to shoot natural light! Just go where the light is (that’s easy because it’s everywhere at CSS!) and you’ll do great!
Here’s what we suggest: If you’re wanting to start marketing studio sessions to your clients, shoot a friend or family member first. If you’ve never shot in a studio before, don’t start with a paying client. They deserve to have your full attention on them and creating for them instead of you worrying about if you can deliver or not. Practice simply. Bring a friend in and get familiar with the light, the props and how shooting in a studio works first. Keep it simple.
Be prepared for your work to become more meaningful, more purposeful and have a lot more variety! Also, be prepared to make more money (Yes! We said that!) CSS offers consistency which means you can consistently offer your clients new and interesting sessions without having to worry about weather. Shooting at CSS will also allow you to add more variety to your offerings by shooting both outdoor and indoor sessions! That doubles your offers and sales!
How are you feeling now? We hope you are feeling a little less fearful and bit more excited about shooting in a natural light studio!