Name: Kind Hearted Images

I ‘m so happy to spotlight yet another talented photographer on our blog today! Meet Kyra of Kindhearted Images! I sent Kyra a few questions so all of us could get to know her a bit better. She is a delight and her work is awesome! Read through to get inspired by Kyra!

Where are you located?

We are based out of Vallejo, CA and happily serve the Greater Bay Area.

How did you get into photography?

I started truly getting serious about photography when I was in High School. I joined the class as a sophomore despite it only really being offered to juniors and seniors, however, I begged the school long and hard and they made an exception. My teacher handed me a Pentax 1000 for me to keep for the entire year and I even had the chance to take it to Hawaii on vacation. I love everything about film and photographing people. The entire process has had me mesmerized since I was a teen, and I can't imagine expressing myself in any other way.

What is your favorite aspect about photography as an art form?

PEOPLE! I absolutely love that not one single human face is the same (even in identical twins). There are certain features that make us all unique and special. I love capturing the beauty of human beings, as they are God's most beautiful and amazing creations that walk this earth; always changing and experiencing emotions that no other living creatures get to experience. With that I also combine my love for color to my sessions. Color evokes mood and tone, and I am big on contemplating the mood/tone each client has and incorporating matching colors. So that my art comes to life and encourages people to feel, and be transported back into these special moments in life. I am not a videographer, but I like to believe my portraits have a rewind button to them.

Where do you draw inspiration from?

I draw inspiration from LIFE, peoples stories, adventures, success and failures. I am always diving into books and visiting museums to gather inspiration as well. There is so much we can gather from art across history.

Who are some of your favorite photographers? Who are you influenced by?

Wow, I hate to mention any because I have a lot! If I HAD to narrow down, I say of course!

  • Richard Avedon for his commitment to black and white; and capturing the everyday person without the added fluff. Humans in their 'RAW' natural state. I love everything about his process and style.

  • Elizabeth Austin-Davis because of her elegant style and groundbreaking push to include black women in the conversations of film/photography. Every time I have gone to WPPI she has represented black women with such grace and power, and many times been the only representation for us on panels. Her work is soooo beautiful and can stand out with the best of them, if not more. She is a humble mentor and I wish to possess a thimble of her talent.

  • Jose Villa & Joel Villa-Serrato because who doesn't love their flawless style, crisp color, and ability to do it all on film! I loosely model myself off their style and vision, and they are why I will never give up on film. Also, despite their famous and elite status they are two of the most down to earth human beings, and so open to sharing information and helping you grow.

What advice would you give to someone starting out?

Trust yourself and be patient with yourself. Though art is all about your own eye and style, it takes time to find out what that is. Things will be trial and error, and sometimes you might miss, but you can't fail in art. Maybe things will not always go as planned or fit your vision, but everything is an opportunity to learn and grow. Just pick up your camera and go; there is no better way to start!

Kyra’s website is and can be found on all platforms @KindHeartedImages

Take a peek at Kyra’s last session at the space! Go check out her website for more of her beautiful work!

2 women sitting on a gray couch against a white brick wall at a natural light studio in Dublin, Ca.JPG
photographer sitting with red jacket on a gray couch against a white brick wall in a natural light studio in Danville, Ca.JPG
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